From: Dr Mary McMinn []
Sent: 03 December 2007 10:20
To: Novak Suzanne (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT
Subject: RE: PBC support

Thank you very much for this Suzanne.  I have to go off to Charter House now, and then on elsewhere, so will reply more fully later – probably tonight.  In the meantime, if Peter is willing to share the draft commissioning plan that would be really kind of WatCom, and we are most grateful




From: Novak Suzanne (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT []
Sent: 03 December 2007 08:02
To: McMinn Mary Dr - Dacorum PCT (CMO GP email) NHSMail
Subject: RE: PBC support


Dear Mary


Many thanks for your really helpful email.  It is great to hear that you would be willing to act as the PBC support manager in effect and please do claim for all the work involved, it is only right that you do so.  Will you talk to Mark about this or is that not necessary do you think?  People will want to know how we are covering the role.


One of the first things I need your help on is the mental health initiative.  I had hoped that Janice would provide the project management support to this but this now looks unlikely.  Would you be able to provide this level of input?


We also need to start putting something together on the Elective care plan and Commissioning plan for DacCom.  Are you able to help with that too?  Of course Mark will want to be shaping these too and they would go through your Exec etc.  I worked with Sheila Borkett-Jones to put together a draft elective care plan for WatCom (attached here) and WatCom have also put a draft commissioning plan together which I can’t find on my system but could ask Peter for if that would be any help.  What do you think?  I can replace WatCom’s figures in the elective care plan for DacCom’s but it depends on whether you want it along similar lines or something completely different.  They have agreed their elective care plan at their Exec and with their wider membership through their Implementation Group.


There are big decisions coming up for DacCom in terms of what will be going on at Hemel so taking on this work is a not inconsiderable challenge!!  But I greatly look forward to hearing more of your ideas and with working more closely with you!


Best wishes





Suzanne Novak

Assistant Director of Commissioning (PBC)

West Herts PCT


Mobile: 07831 481255

From: Dr Mary McMinn []
Sent: 30 November 2007 18:19
To: Novak Suzanne (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT
Subject: RE: PBC support


Dear Suzanne


Thank you for letting me know.  This is very sad, but not entirely unexpected.  It is kind of Michelle to help us.  My initial responses are:

I will be very happy to assist the Dacorum practices in any way that I can – I do know all the practice managers very well and am more than happy to be a central contact point, and obviously I know Michelle from the meetings we attend together.  I already do a lot of additional admin/secretarial work for DacCom (which I do not claim for) and the same applies to Mark.  I am sure we will be able to cope.  DacCom can engage Pat Potts on an ad-hoc basis (we had already agreed this with her for PARS) for data work [I have suggested that Mark formally proposes this to the DacCom Exec next week], again, Pat knows all the DacCom practices.  I have many talks with Katrina Power, Dee, and Moira (and am involved in the C&B and CATS work) and I know many of the other PCT staff who are involved with PBC, finance, IT and provider services.  Mike Edwards has asked me to assist with the long-listing for the UCC next month in his place.  I attend the Conclave meetings.  I’m the DacCom “manager” for the new Dacorum Hospital project.  I get on well with Andrew Moore and am happy to attend SLA review meetings with WHHT and other providers.  I have developed links to the PPI and to Public Health and the Borough Council.  As you know, PARS runs the PBC email groups for the DacCom Exec, the Dacorum practice managers, the WatCom Exec, all the GPs in Dacorum, and also a West Herts PBC email group.  Mark and I know the other West Herts PBC leads – both clinicians and managers – and have met the East Herts leads as well.  All the basic structures are in place.  With Gerry’s ideas, enthusiasm and energy, Mark’s superb management skills and business acumen, and my obsessional attention to detail and persistence, and the steadily increasing input from Executive members, and interested and involved GPs and practice managers, DacCom will be fine.  We relish the challenge!  I’ll get back to after the weekend with any further thoughts or ideas,


With very best wishes




From: Novak Suzanne (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT []
Sent: 30 November 2007 17:03
To: McMinn Mary Dr - Dacorum PCT (CMO GP email) NHSMail
Cc: Jones Mark (E82022) FERNVILLE SURGERY; Savla Meena (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT - NHSMail
Subject: RE: Finance Practice Budget Event


Hi Mary


Just to let you know, in case you hadn’t heard, Janice was not appointed to the DacCom PBC support manager post today. 


I have spoken with her this afternoon and fed back from the interview as well.  I asked her to think over the weekend about whether or not she would like to carry on in the interim PBC support manager post for DacCom until an appointment had been made but her initial reaction, which I think is unlikely to change, was that she didn’t want to do this.  She feels that she wants to put her heart into a job and that if she’s not going to be somewhere on a longer term basis then her motivation will be tested.  I will check again with her early next week whether this decision has changed but as I say, it seems unlikely.


As a result I’m turning to my pa to help organise things for DacCom because it appears likely that you will no longer have a support manager.


We do plan to interview one of the other short listed candidates who was on holiday today but in case this is not successful Mark has agreed to think through alternative options so that DacCom gets additional management support.  I will talk with Andrew about how we can support other options too.  Your bright ideas would be very welcome!


Best wishes




Suzanne Novak

Assistant Director of Commissioning (PBC)

West Herts PCT


Mobile: 07831 481255


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